Securing Critical Infrastructure: OT Cybersecurity in Focus

Critical infrastructure (CI) attacks frequently dominate global headlines, affecting not only the U.S. but also nations worldwide. These attacks on critical infrastructure sectors have led to significant and far-reaching impacts and can have extensive global consequences.

Critical Infrastructure Sectors

The nation’s CI comprises sixteen interdependent sectors. Disruption of any sector could critically impact the national economy, health, and safety as they are dependent on each other. The U.S. government employs centralized strategies for robust and cohesive Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP).


Commercial Facilities


Critical Manufacturing


Defense Industrial Base

Emergency Services



Food & Agricultural

Government Facilities

Health Care & Public Health

Information Technology

Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste

Transportation Systems

Water Systems

Operational Technology (OT Cybersecurity)

What is Operational Technology (OT)?

OT cybersecurity refers to equipment or interconnected systems designed to manage industrial processes versus traditional IT administrative processes. For example, Operational Technology systems can include production line management, oil monitoring, transportation control systems, and utility power grids.

IT & OT Cybersecurity

OT and IT: What’s the Difference?

In the context of OT cybersecurity, IT primarily focuses on data management and business operations through computers and networks. In contrast, OT is industrial-based and consists of networks of interconnected machines. While IT prioritizes a balanced approach to security, emphasizing confidentiality, integrity, and availability, OT is distinguished by its emphasis on high availability. This emphasis is due to OT’s nature as a continuous, real-time system where constant availability is crucial, though confidentiality and integrity remain important.


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Critical Infrastructure

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